Join Reynoldsburg Lodge
Improve Yourself

Why Join?
By joining Freemasonry, you’ll be making a commitment to yourself and to your Brother Masons to be the best man you can be. And by taking the obligations of this ancient Fraternity, you will be joining millions of Freemasons across the globe who are also committed to helping each other develop their potential and improve the quality of life for themselves, their families, and communities.
By joining, you will become the latest in a long line of men from all walks of life – world leaders and everyday men – who have found inspiration in Freemasonry, and who strive to live by the values of honor, integrity, equality and brotherhood.
When you become a Mason, you join a lodge, which can be thought of as the local chapter or club of the larger organization, the Grand Lodge. The name goes back hundreds of years, to when all Masons were taught, “A Lodge is a place where members assemble and work.” That idea still holds true today, and we talk about joining “the Lodge.”

What to Expect
Once you turn in a petition to join the lodge, you will be asked to meet with several brothers from the lodge who interview all prospective members. This interview customarily involves a visit to the your home, although it can be held at work, at the lodge, or another location depending on circumstances. Their job is to see that you are indeed a man of good character and reputation, that you meet all the qualifications for membership, and that your expectations are realistic. If you have already met with members of the lodge in a meet and greet setting, most of their questions will have already been answered.
We ask potential petitioners to verify the information provided to the lodge by completing a volunteer background check. The Grand Lodge uses a commercial service that churches, schools and other nonprofits often use to screen volunteers. This is especially likely if the lodge does a lot of volunteer work in the community, sponsors Masonic youth groups, or meets in an urban center where potential members often do not know a member of the lodge in advance.

How to Join
Not everyone can or should be a Mason. To become a Mason and member of The Grand Lodge of Ohio, you must meet all of the following criteria:
Be a male at least 19 years old
Be an Ohio resident for at least six months
Be able to read and write English
Be prepared to profess a belief in Deity
Be of good reputation as a man of honor and integrity
Be recommended by two members of the Lodge they wish to join.
When a potential member does not know anyone in the local Lodge, the Lodge will arrange a casual meeting with several members who will be glad to share information about their Lodge and its activities. This kind of meet and greet provides an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other, to ask and answer questions, and to discover if it looks like a good fit between the man and the Lodge. Some lodges will invite the potential member to several activities or social functions before two members will agree to make the recommendation. On occasion, after meeting with members of the Lodge, the potential candidate will discover that he already knows somebody in a Lodge who will be willing to make that recommendation.
There will be a $200 fee to join. This fee is due at the time a formal application is submitted for membership. There is no charge to meet with the lodge to learn more about it or the process of becoming a member. Once a man becomes a member, he then pays annual dues to help support Lodge operations, and he will most likely have to pay for meals and event fees if the Lodge holds banquets, charitable or social events.
To schedule such a meeting, leave us a message at (614) 866-8179, email us from the contact page, or chat with us at the bottom of the page.
Contact us today and start getting involved.