2024-2025 Officers
Worshipful Master: Adam Lappert, PM Senior Warden: Rob Young (not shown) Junior Warden: Chris Diaz Treasurer: Phil Harms Secretary:...
Worshipful Master: Adam Lappert, PM Senior Warden: Rob Young (not shown) Junior Warden: Chris Diaz Treasurer: Phil Harms Secretary:...
At the recent 14th District awards ceremony, Reynoldsburg Lodge won 3 of the 4 awards for ritual excellence in the Fellowcraft Degree. ...
Junior Warden Adam Lappert, Worshipful Master Sam Cohen and Senior Warden Mike DuMolt present a check to Joe Sorenson of the Reynoldsburg...
What do apple fritters, Santa Claus, the RHS Orchestra and Reynoldsburg Lodge have in common? They are all in the same space for the...
Brethren: One of the main ideas of the Deputy Grand Master (who will more than likely be Grand Master on Friday, October 15), is "Let's...
Richard J. Luckay, MSA, 33° Obituary LET IT BE KNOWN BY ALL, Richard J. Luckay, MSA, 33° has been summoned by the Supreme Architect of...
Brother Randy Keenan Watson Born on February 11, 2018 Initiated an Entered Apprentice on November 20, 2018 Passed to the degree of...
It is with great sorrow that I must report that Bro Lyndal Payne passed to eternal rest on July 19, 2020. His family has requested a...
Brethren: Grand Master Newton has issued a new edict in which he says that counties rated as a level 3 (red) health emergency may still...
On Tuesday, June 16 the lodge did a first (as far as I know). During the recent pandemic, , due to the an edict from the Grand Master of...
Brethren: After several months of virtual meetings, the lodge will officially reopen on Tuesday, July 7, 2020. We ask that members...
The June stated meeting of the lodge will be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 7:30pm. The guest speaker will be RWBro Alexander Herbert,...
Grand Master MWBro Keith W. Newton has extended his edict. Lodges (and other Masonic bodies) are now closed through at least June 12,...
On Tuesday, May 5, Grand Master MWBro Keith W. Newton extended his directive that lodges remain closed until May 31. Reynoldsbrug Lodge...
In the year 1861, a group of Master Masons living in Reynoldsburg and vicinity and being members of Hebron Lodge No. 116, decided a lodge...