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Writer's pictureKen Cohen

Let's Make Masons


One of the main ideas of the Deputy Grand Master (who will more than likely be Grand Master on Friday, October 15), is "Let's Make Masons". He will have a number of different techniques to make this process easier on lodges. The first of which is the Inquiry process. The Grand Lodge of Ohio, Scottish Rite and Shrine have all been doing targeted advertising for the past couple of years. They are trying to get our name in front of our targeted demographic, young men. And those that ask for more information are processed and assigned to a lodge in their area.

At the present time, we have a large number of these inquiries. A committee (which could use some help if you want to volunteer) contacts these men and determines their suitability and interest and if they ask to join, helps them through the process. AND IT WORKS. At the time of this writing, there is a group of FIVE men who have petitioned the lodge. Two of them came (along with some others who have also petitioned but aren't through the investigation committee yet) have come through inquiries. AND THERE ARE MORE COMING!!!

We will find new ways to work multiple candidates that keeps it just as personal for everyone. I hope that you'll come see what we're doing and how we're doing it. They're not entirely Masons yet, just because they completed the degrees. Volunteer to be a Master Craftsman. We'll help you and train you, but each of these new brothers needs someone to help make them Masons. Contact an officer if you'd like to help.

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